YogaHotDish on the Road = Bold Venture Yoga Travel

A few years ago, we decided to take YogaHotDish on the road. That said, we’re not “group travel” people. “Group travel” has a lot in common with “group exercise.” If you come to class, you know how we feel about that…

Unlike Other Retreats...

Get ready to take your yoga off the mat and into the world. Bold Venture Yoga isn’t like other Yoga Retreats. The emphasis is on the travel, the experiences, and connections–not 24/7 yoga.  We’ve been doing retreats for the last 5 years. If you’re looking for detailed information, to be honest, the retreats fill before we have a chance to list them! The best way to get in with this community of travel enthusiasts is to show up and try a class! 

The Thunderbird Way...

Back in the 1990’s, Thunderbird was the only MBA program (actually it was the world’s first MIM degree) that required a foreign language, along with political economy and cross-cultural communication in one’s area of geographic concentration.

TBirds travel light and go deep. We call in favors from our extensive global network, assess the geo-political economy, safety issues, and read everything we can get our hands on in preparation. If you want to leave the homework to us, feel free. If you want our reading list, maybe do an informal travel book club prior to departure, we’re up for that too! 


Global Network

I am proud to be one half of a Thunder Couple. My husband Joe and started dating overseas and had a global courtship spanning Japan, Singapore, and London. He and I both had International jobs, mine in Tokyo, his in Singapore. We were “digital nomads” before it was a thing and have probably traveled to 30 countries multiple times between us. Additionally, we have experienced living abroad at various socio-economic levels from starving students, to business owners, to perk-laden corporate ex-pats (not necessarily our favorite).

Planned Spontaneity

We’re on-the-fly problem-solvers and cultural infiltrators. We find the footholds– food, business, language, and make the connections. Our travel style: Planned Spontaneity. We don’t need or necessarily even want everything to go smoothly. We’ve been on the road enough to know that setbacks are often setups: for finding a new restaurant, running into a fellow Tbird on the busiest street in Hanoi (Lance!), or ending up at an outdoor concert because you took a “wrong” turn.


We're not here to hold your hand and book your airfares.

You’ve done enough traveling to book flights. rental cars, ubers, etc. You’ll have the names and contact info of the other travelers should you want to buddy up.


Mostly Private Properties

Many yoga retreats are held at centers hosting multiple groups simultaneously.  By pooling our resources, we usually end up in a place that surpasses any hotel or smaller AirBnB you’d rent on your own and it’s just us.  Everyone there will at least be a friend of a friend or a relation.  These aren’t a bunch of random people you’ll never see again; these are your mat-mates! 


We plan yoga around the travel, not the travel around the yoga.

Chilly in the AM? Let’s do an indoor activity then and have an outdoor yoga class in the afternoon once things warm up. Major day trip? Fine, maybe we don’t do yoga that day at all. Remember, you can do yoga at home!
yoga travel retreat in South Carolina infront of plantation home

A B&B Without the Bricks and Mortar

A decade living abroad and on Cape Cod, we always joked we were running a B&B. We loved giving friends the “insider” tour and cooking up the regional specialties for dinner.

The thing is, we never lived anywhere longer than 3 years. We can’t imagine being hunkered down in one market for an extended period of time, dealing with home repairs and upkeep. Think of us like that fun couple who run a B&B where the husband (and sometimes charming daughter) cooks, the wife teaches yoga, and they magically appear in the places you want to be.

During our years living in Asia, Europe and Cape Cod, Joe honed his culinary skills. From steak to seafood, hand-thrown pizza to paella, Joe is comfortable cooking for larger groups. That said, his status is “amateur.” You may be asked to chop something or to help load the dishwasher. Dealing w/ special diets (gluten free, vegan) is just too tricky. Meals are family-style though so everyone usually finds something they like,. If you want to learn how to cook the evening’s specialty or just “talk food” (or wine) Joe’s happy to have the company!


Painting the picture of a YogaHotDish Tour!


Ditch the Itinerary!

Itineraries are for corporate tours. The goal is to “detach from linear time”–not let it run your vacation! What if Monday is perfect beach weather but you’re supposed to go to the museum? Good luck trying tweak a typical tour; you can bet your bathing suit you’ll be on the beach in a parka Tuesday having spent Monday indoors! 

We’d rather brainstorm as a group, do some planning in advance but leave gaps in the schedule for yoga, down-time, or smaller-groups to break off on their own adventures.  


Everyone has a role to play (you'll find yours!)

The group starts to “form and storm” (small group comm.101) as people get to know each other, find their niches: maybe you have a great sense of humor or an excellent sense of direction. You’re good at reading maps or facial expressions and know when someone needs encouragement. Don’t be a passive spectator in your own vacation! This is “travel improv” and you’ll go home with stories to tell– stories you helped to write.


Cheaper than a "luxury vacation" but more expensive than what you'd pay for a hotel room.

Conventional yoga retreats are priced upwards of $300/day. Sure, that includes a lot of yoga, meals etc; however, it’s really expensive when you consider that many destinations are beach towns in LDCs (and you never leave the beach/resort). Frankly, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all from Cabo to Koh Samui.

We prefer more interesting destinations with higher standards for personal safety, with plenty of history, art and culture to explore.

Mr. HotDish is a country risk analyst so we debate things like the legal system, political situation, and healthcare while deciding on destinations. Living 10 years overseas in 3 countries, we’ve had some scary situations– we try to make sure those are NOT included in your experience!


Ditch the Itinerary!

Itineraries are for corporate tours. The goal is to “detach from linear time”–not let it run your vacation! What if Monday is perfect beach weather but you’re supposed to go to the museum? Good luck trying tweak a typical tour; you can bet your bathing suit you’ll be on the beach in a parka Tuesday having spent Monday indoors! We show up with great “crowdsourced” ideas from your fellow travelers, our connections etc. Then we sketch a rough outline at the first few meals. Who wants to do what? Smaller groups form based on interests and disburse to do what they want, when they want.


Everyone has a role to play (you'll find yours!)

The group starts to “form and storm” (small group comm.101) as people get to know each other, find their niches: maybe you have a great sense of humor or an excellent sense of direction. You’re good at reading maps or facial expressions and know when someone needs encouragement. Don’t be a passive spectator in your own vacation! This is “travel improv” and you’ll go home with stories to tell– stories you helped to write.


Cheaper than a "luxury vacation" but more expensive than what you'd pay for a hotel room.

When doing the math, don’t forget about all those misc expense you incurr on drinks/snacks/tips while staying in a hotel. And please don’t forget all the time and money you spend shopping, stocking the fridge and cooking in an AirBnb–we do that for you. Most Yoga retreats are priced upwards of $300/day. Sure, that includes a lot of yoga, all meals etc; however, it’s really expensive when you consider that most destinations are beach towns in LDC’s (less developed countries). Frankly, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all from Cabo to Koh Samui. We prefer more interesting destinations with higher standards for personal safety, yet manage to stay well under that $300/day bogie. Mr. HotDish is a country risk analyst so we debate things like the legal system, political situation, and healthcare while deciding on destinations. He was also a bouncer in college which has come in handy.


Packing your bags, are you? Where to? Cool your jets a second and fill out a contact form already. Oh, and if you’re new to The Dish, then please show up and take a class FIRST–even if it’s on Zoom. Find out if the YogaHotDish tribe is your tribe.


Yoga High Life in the Low Country | Hilton Head/Savannah GA/Beaufort South Carolina | April 30 – May 7, 2022 | STATUS: Mission Accomplished! 

JAPAN FALL 2024 | Peace in Chaos: Tokyo, Kyoto, Kamakura, Hakone |  Details coming soon…

COSTA RICA 2024: Go with what we know, FEB 4-11 Ocotal Villas| STATUS:  Almost full, a few spots available! 

VIKING WARRIOR TRAIL: STOCKHOLM via ICELAND | Late May 2024 | Fly Stockholm via Iceland Air for 7 nights in luxury “Town and Country” seaside villa, with optional Reykjavik weekend. Booking NOW! 

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