Guest Instructors

A sad moment in my teaching career was when Libby Wendorf, one of my first students, told me she was moving to North Carolina. I had always thought Libby was someone who could teach one day– ideally, under the YogaHotDish banner. A class photo featuring her in bow pose was the inspiration for the YogaHotDish logo.

Libby in Bow Pose at The North Oaks Golf Club

Libby and I always stayed in touch so I was thrilled when she decided to go “full immersion” for teacher training and attend Kripalu— just like I had done all those years ago. Full immersion is a different level of dedication and intensity, as you know if you’ve ever say, studied a language. In fact, before the Yoga Alliance went off the rails, immersion in a residential program was required for certification.

And now…through the magic of ZOOM, Libby now teaches Mondays at 6:30 pm CST from Cary, North Carolina!

You know the song, and it’s true: three IS a magic number.

We also have North Oaks resident, Carrie Puterbaugh leading us on a heckuva breathing-meditation journey with her SKY Meditation ZOOMs on Sundays. Carrie is a certified Kundalini teacher. Kundalini is one of the oldest, most classical schools of lineage (back to India) there is. Kripalu and Kundalini schools have long collaborated with each other, as well as with Harvard Medical School for research. Kundalini instructors hold prominent positions in the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation which regards yoga breathing and meditation as crucial to maintain brain health!

Carrie will be holding her Sunday SKY Meditation ZOOMS periodically. In the meantime, look for her subbing occasionally on Saturday AM’s to preview some of the transformative new breathing techniques we’ve been learning. Carrie practices what she preaches and is becoming a true authority on SKY meditation. You can read more about it here, on the National Institute of Health (NIH) website.

Carrie, our resident Kundalini and SKY Meditation expert.

It’s a great relief to know I can ask either Carrie or Libby to fill in for me in a pinch. They say that triangles are the strongest shape, and it’s true! I feel so much more at ease knowing I have TWO fabulous teachers as cornerstones of this community.

When booking online for an individual class, please choose the name / class of the instructor you’ll be studying with : Shaila, Libby or Carrie

20 years of teaching experience, Shaila offers a variety of yoga pathways to transformation. You can always borrow a mat, but be sure to bring your sense of humor!
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