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Event Series North Oaks Golf Club | MONs 9:30

NORTH OAKS GOLF CLUB YOGA “Par Makers” ⛳ | MONs 9:30-11am (all NOHOA residents welcome)| $20 Walk-ins

North Oaks Golf Club *Open to Non-Members* 54 East Oaks Road, North Oaks, United States

Good Yogis Make Good Golfers--or tennis players, pickle ballers, etc  Ballroom in the winter, patio in the summer. North Oaks Yoga enjoys some of the best views in the metro at the historic North Oaks Golf Club (NOGC). The Club recognized early on that good yogis make good golfers with fewer injuries and swing flaws....

Event Series Falcon Heights | MONs 4:30 pm

🎡FALCON HEIGHTS City Hall Community Class ~ $16 Drop-in

Falcon Heights City Hall 2077 Larpenteur Ave W, St. Paul, United States

~ NOT the group-exercise-disguised-as-yoga you may be used to from big-box venues like CorePower and Lifetime! Wondering what you're missing in those chaotic, quickie classes? Asana (postures) are only 1/8 of yoga. If you're thinking the work-in is as important as the work-out, then you're on the right path--join us! Authentic Kripalu yoga classes at...

🏡North Oaks East Rec, “The Original North Oaks Yoga” | Walk-ins Welcome, $20

NOHOA E Rec c/o NOHOA 100 Village Center Drive # 240 (not exact location), Saint Paul, MN, United States

Why is it "The Original?" Because origins matter.  Yoga has a terroir, just like a fine wine or tea. I grew up in North Oaks, lived abroad for 10 years, then, against all odds, came back. When I returned in 2003, there were no yoga or meditation classes offered anywhere--at least not like the ones I...

PEACE UNITED ☮ “(Greater) North Oaks Neighbors”| Walk-in $20

Peace United 5050 Hodgson Road, North Oaks, MN

Purchase Drop?Walk-in HERE. Around 50% men, this class is guy/dude/bro-approved! Men need yoga--perhaps more than women, but why? The equation is simple: Strength - Flexibility = INJURY. That said, the worst thing a dude can do is wind up in a fast-moving, choreographed flow class with a petite instructor who's likely a former dancer/ gymnast!...

NORTH OAKS GOLF CLUB ⛳”Walk-in Stretch Session” (non-mbrs welcome) ~$20 Walk-in, RSVP by Sunday

North Oaks Golf Club *Open to Non-Members* 54 East Oaks Road, North Oaks, United States

Devote one hour of your week to a small group stretch class, being individually coached by a true expert. someone trained across multiple stretching modalities, including the original one, yoga. ...

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