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WHITE BEAR CENTER for the ARTS, Ford Family Gallery 🐻‍❄️ “Stretch Your Imagination”

White Bear Center for the Arts 4971 Long Avenue, White Bear Lake, MN, United States

YogaHotDish returns to White Bear Center for the Arts! Step off the grid and into the serenity of the Main Gallery at WBCA. Midday maximizes movement benefits so this class is designed to be ultra-flexible, whether you're working, working from home, an active senior or caregiver. Arrive late, leave early--just get your yoga in!

NORTH OAKS GOLF CLUB ⛳”Walk-in Stretch Session” (non-mbrs welcome) ~$20 Walk-in, RSVP by Sunday

North Oaks Golf Club *Open to Non-Members* 54 East Oaks Road, North Oaks, United States

Devote one hour of your week to a small group stretch class, being individually coached by a true expert. someone trained across multiple stretching modalities, including the original one, yoga. ...

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