Good Yogis Make Good Golfers–or tennis players, pickle ballers, etc Ballroom in the winter, patio in the summer. North Oaks Yoga enjoys some of the best views in the metro at the historic North Oaks Golf Club (NOGC). The Club recognized early on that good yogis make good golfers with fewer injuries and swing flaws. Expect a mix of beginners and experienced, golfers and non-golfers.
YogaHotDish classes cover the brain, body, balance, and breath, every class, every time. We don’t do a lot of “workshops” because the 90-min classes are all-inclusive. And no, you won’t get too tired. This is “relaxed exertion.”
Beginners are always welcome and encouraged. You do need to be able to move up and down off the floor, unassisted. Club members have priority, but all are welcome–we usually have plenty of space as this is a large and welcoming venue with a great view!
This is not “group exercise” disguised as yoga, nor is it a “performance.” You’ll realize the benefits from the work-out and the work-in, day-one!
REGISTER for Spring SESSION HERE (Starts March 3)
Make up missed classes at any other YHD time/location, whenever you can. Your make-up classes carry forward each session if you keep enrolling. Make-ups are forfeiting if you’re not an enrolled student.