“What should I eat before yoga?” I am often asked this vexing question by new students. As a classical yogi, I feel compelled to advise students doing a morning practice to do so on an empty stomach, so they get the full benefits of digestion offered by the poses without discomfort. However, as a 6-footer with blood pressure on the low side and a metabolism on the high side, I myself don’t fare well sans food.The middle path: protein shakes and smoothies. You get all your nutrients without skipping a meal, and most importantly, you give your digestive tract a much-needed reprieve. Think about it: is stuffing ourselves full of carbs, gluten, and meats three times per day really a good longevity strategy? No wonder 40% of Americans are constipated while obesity and diabetes are on a sharp rise.
- Get a good vegan protein powder. This means non-dairy (lactose gunks things up, just like gluten), no added real sugars, no fake sugars (worse). Yes, Arbonne has an outstanding option, which I sell to support my own habit.
- Get a good blender. I hope to be the proud recipient of a “ninja” with the 3 blades for my next birthday.
- Easy on the fruits–sugar is sugar.
- Consider greening it up w/ kale, avocado (loads of fiber and b-12).
- If you mess it up, half a banana fixes almost anything–the trade off sugar
- Mix fresh and frozen. In my freezer you will find blueberries and mangos, almost always. Squeeze an orange to add liquid that’s not processed juice.
- Use a PLAIN probiotic yogurt if you decide a little dairy is ok for you –just know vanilla flavor adds sugar. I buy mine at Costco, cheapest in town. BTW, if you like vanilla, just add the extract.
- Use coconut milk to keep juice to a minimum. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s in a 1/2 gallon milk carton.
- Fill the blender about 1/2 up w/ fruits and veg: then a cup of yogurt (remember it’s still dairy, and you don’t want to overdo it), then add the coconut milk and a splash of fresh squeezed juice if desired.
- Have a vegan protein powder that’s tasty and easy enough to consume on-the-go, w/o bells and whistles, because there will be times when you don’t have time for a major production in the kitchen.
- GET THE BLENDER IN THE DISHWASHER ASAP, SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO CLEAN IT BY HAND THE NEXT MORNING–if this is the only tip you remember, I think I can say I’ve done a public service here!