Take Back the Night (TBTN) Shines Light on Sexual Violence...
Making Online Yoga…Yogic!
In the age of online yoga (zoom, FB live, YouTube) how can you make yoga feel more...yogic? How can you get the workout as well as the work-in you crave during COVID times?
The Best Benefit of Yoga No One Mentions
In a recent study on the National Institute of Health...
Shiva’s Pandemic Dance
This statue of Shiva as “Lord of the Dance” sits...
What’s Wrong with Resolutions?
Ah January… for anyone in the fitness space, it’s a...
Put Some Motion in your Meditation!
There are a lot of books written about what is...
Is Your Spouse the Biggest Threat to Your Health?
I have been working with “active seniors” so long, that...
What’s Wrong with Senior Yoga?
It was never my intention to teach senior yoga… or...
Is Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Worth It: Buyer Beware (and do the math)
Costly local yoga teacher trainings--are they worth it? Experienced yoga teacher Shaila Cunningham shares her perspective and does The Math.
Bad at Balancing? Yoga Can Help!
One of the top concerns new students have in yoga...